26 Apr 2019

Time to put your money where your mouth is.......

The road toll has been in the news lately and more especially because this year it far higher than in previous years. Today it was reported to be at 104 that is 41 more than at the same last year. This is just under a 40% yes 40% increase. 
Imagine the outcry is taxes were increased by the same amount. Yet the toll rises, and we as a society seem to brush it off until it affects you and your family or those close to you.

This to me, indicates that somewhere along the line our governments, (that is Local, State and Federal), are failing in their role to adequately manage this horrendous waste of human life and misery caused by road traffic accidents.

It is no good whatsoever blaming the Police for the failure, they can only act with the rules and regulations provided to them, together with their limited manpower and within the limitations of their tools of trade.

We, as a community should also shoulder some of the blame as some are the very rule breakers which can and often does lead to the carnage on our roads by way of drink-driving, excessive speed and failure to obey road rules etc.

Are we missing something, there has to be a better way? I believe there is, but it is and has been all but ignored at all levels of government for some years. We are in election mode, candidates are looking for votes to “fill their card”, here is something to consider.

There is nothing more precious as life, nothing worse than losing a life, especially as a result of road trauma.
So let’s put all the chest beating of how good we may or may not have been, the warm and fuzzy promises of funding this and grant money for that, yes put it all aside and look at funding a concept which will make a difference and reduce the road toll, not only now but in the years to come.

I see funding for various sporting facilities that provide for those who enjoy playing the sport of their choice, but they can’t play if they are injured or dead.

Funding and grants for clubs and societies again providing an outlet to pursue an interest or activity which again they cannot do if severely injured or dead.

Funding for parks and gardens, monuments and lookouts, streetscapes and boardwalks, all for the community and our visitors to enjoy, but not if they are dead.

Can any of our Federal Candidates, or for that matter our State Member and our own Council explain to me why no funds whatsoever, no grants have been provided to a concept which has already and will continue to make inroads into reducing road trauma by way of training and also providing a sporting activity (Motorsport).  I fear not.

To date every cent spent on this facility has come from private funds, all credit to the sponsors, businesses and providers of donations.  But why after over 6 years is this facility consistently ignored and or cast aside with inane excuses save for some microphone talk and a couple of letters.           Time to put your money where your mouth is.

The Gippsland Motorplex in colaboration with SKIDZ Driver Training, provides professional training for our youth to increase their experience and skill on the road when it is most needed. This training, authorised by VicRoads, is provided to young drivers at local secondary schools. It also brings them into contact with those who deal with and suffer from the effects of road trauma.
Why is this not funded by government to increase the numbers able to benefit from this vital training?

In my view every secondary school student should have to complete one of these courses before they can sit for their licence, then with the benefit of at least 120 hours experience on the roads they have a better chance of life.

The Gippsland Motorplex is also a sporting venue where those that enjoy a range of motorsport are able to pursue the sport of their choice in a safe, professionally managed facility.   Why should they miss out of sporting funding?

A range of regular motorsport events are organised at Gippsland Motorplex which draw large numbers (over 15,000 in 2019 already) of visitors/tourists into the region. The local businesses benefit from these events and this has a positive flow on effect.
Why does this facility miss out on funding and/or grant assistance when providing such a benefit and visitor attraction?

If the road toll is to reduce and stay in reduction mode then early training must be given to our youth.  We must also provide a facility for those who wish to engage in sporting activities (not legal on the road) are able to do so. Then and only then will we be able to say that we have done our bit to reduce the ongoing waste of human life.

Thought provoking anytime but especially at election time.

NB: No payment or other advantage has been made from this blog. It is the informed opinion of the author.
Reference: Herald Sun 26.4.2019
Photos: Tjalla. John Munns

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