Fiscal Comment - Its Budget Time !
We are asked to tighten our belts,
some struggle to manage,
what example is set by our leaders?
Fact: Government must act to hold or reduce inflation.
Fact: Each and every percent rise you never get back, it is lost forever, you never get it back when 'acceptable' levels return.
Fact: Total inflation is the sum of monthly increases.
What has government done so far?
Fiddled around the edges blaming the RBA for utilising the only lever it has to use?
Rate rises 11 times in 12 months to offset government's mismanagement?
Even with this trigger pulled, inflation is not under control.
East Gippsland Shire Council can and should perhaps hold rates steady by billing the same as last year 22/23 and, perish the thought, deliver 3.5% reduced costs/services as a consequence of fiscal restraint.
Concentrate on necessary productivity and efficiency dividends.
Do what any responsible organisation does and work within a reduced budget until the end of this council term in Nov 2024 instead of being addicted to annual increases.
Set out to complete existing and very necessary capital expenditure work only instead of spreading itself too far, too thin and failing to complete projects on time and on budget.
Question: Why it is that most project expenditure exceeds budget and is delivered in stages, while somehow the ever increasing list of currently budgeted projects gets longer every year with lesser percentage of budgeted dollars actually being less every year.?
Question: Why do so many projects fail to be completed on time and on budget?
Question: Why are so many projects divided in to stages?
Now our local government in its draft budget mode,was it set in stone 6 months ago and before fiscal restraint was considered? It is suspected to obtain a 7 to 2 vote approving the largest rise in rates and charges since amalgamation nearly 25 years ago.
This autocratic undemocratic organisation proclaims transparency!
The combined views of a number of concerned locals:
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