11 Sept 2019

Bullock Island - are future upgrades now in doubt

Bullock Island  one of the most popular locations in Lakes Entrance and, I would wager, East Gippsland. Its scenery, peace, relaxation and indeed fishing and crabbing so enjoyed by thousands of visitors and locals alike was dealt a  debilitating blow in last nights Council meeting, despite the valiant and long standing efforts of our local representative, Cr. Dick Ellis.  On the casting vote of our Mayor, a motion was defeated which would have put the management of the area into the hands of the Shire. This has huge implications for our town and should be re-visited without delay.
At the meeting, a proposal was put forward by Ms. Fiona Weigall, that the Shire should take over the "Committee of Management" of Bullock Island from DELWP, in order that funds could be spent on its improvement including the provision of toilets and other amenities.

Bear in mind that DELWP has less funding opputunities that our Shire, and does not have tourism on their radar specifically. This has been a stumbling block for years and Cr Ellis has long been an advocate for the Shire to become the land managers on behalf of the Crown (It is Crown Land).

Much work has been done in the background and plans have been proposed to improve this area which is currently little more then a wasteland. Many will recall the dramas of last October when parking on the island looking out to sea was under threat, many will recall the efforts made by many to have the improvement of the road undertaken, indeed these efforts and last minute short term solutions seem to have been an annual occurrence under the current land managers in recent years.

This proposal put forward was a postive step forward, with limited funds available, and the ability to apply for more through various means, to improve Bullock Island for all the community, and to have it mainained to a reasonable standard befitting its use. Interestingly and again an advantage, due to the good work of council staff, is that the management excludes the sea walls, which are a costly asset to maintain.

These efforts and those of Shire staff and Cr. Ellis have been considerable and are to be commended, but it seems all to no avail when put to the vote last night, having been seconded by Cr. Toohey, the vote was split and eventually lost by the casting vote of the Mayor no less.

Bullock Island deserves more, Lakes Entrance deserves better, Tourism demands it and the economic future of the Lakes Entrance needs it.

Now it is up to the public to speak up, for our townleaders to stand up for our town, and for a motion of recission to be made at next months Council meeting.

What about it Lakes Entrance.


  1. Let the Shire hear our voices through LEADA, if we roar loud enough they have to reconsider.

  2. This area has had more plans, more bright ideas, more dumb ideas, more debates, more skeptics, more ego trips of ideas than any known area in the shire. it has been one continual tug of war for most of my life. The location is so unique, it could be something of a self selling asset to the shire. Unfortunately while we have a community of haves and have nots, and a community controlled by self serving individuals who have no vision its going to remain as it is…... An embarrassment to the community….. I get around a bit and one thing i have noticed is the lack of a full on interpretation centre for the shire. As an example i refer to the Visitors centres at the Naracoorte caves, South Australia and Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo island. Both of those centres cost millions but are by far the best assets each of those communities have. They are a credit to those responsible for their establishment. They are an example of what should be on the island. But that will never happen here. Too many negative minds and conflicts of interest. this debate will simply be talked about for the next 30 years.

  3. I've asked the mayor Cr Natalie O'Connell why she voted against this
    and hope for a speedy reply.
    If I'm not important enough for her to reply with an explanation I will post her email and phone number as publicised via council website so she can explain her dewdecis to everyone individually.

  4. *So she can explain her decision.

  5. Put a push bike track on Bullock island, you will have more money than you will know what to do with, some would say you would not need a business plan ?
