17 Jul 2020

Take a walk along North Arm

North Arm, the Back Lake or the lower reaches of Mississippi Creek, call it what you will, but like its big brother the Front Lake, North Arm has an amazing and varied number of sights to see. If you are not up to the length of the walk along the front lake try the back lake for size. Flat easy going mostly paved and with a couple of opportunities for refreshment and a sit down overlooking the water. It is also cycle friendly for the two wheelers.

Theraputic, restful, relaxing, interesting and ever changing.  We will start our walk from the end of North Arm where it meets Reeve Channel and from there the waters exit into Bass Strait. This can be accessed by crossing the highway bridge and talking the pathway down to the waters edge.

16 Jul 2020

How Can We Save Our Town

The last six plus months have been hard on all of us with drought, bushfires, and now the dreaded CoVid-19 virus lock-downs regulations etc etc. No doubt these events have affected us all in many different ways, but what now, what is the future for our town, our region, and the many businesses that are struggling to survive. What can be done to keep our town alive?

It is no good waiting for a hand out, or for some mythical upsurge in business, no good waiting for restrictions to be relaxed or for visitors to start returning. Certainly no good waiting for our leaders to get off their comfy seats and actually do something practical now, in my view, we have already waited far too long already for some proactive action, now is the time for local and individual action. 

If we want to keep our town we, yes you and me all have to play a part and it starts NOW. So here is as I see it a way to try and make a difference. It might just keep a business open or a job in place.