28 May 2020

Brief History of Central Hotel Lakes Entrance

The Central Hotel has long been a part of Lakes Entrance although not always with that name. It was not until 1889 that the hotel was so aptly named due to its location in the town, the current building is the second to be on that spot, the original building being destroyed by fire.
Original Central Hotel

22 May 2020

Boredom Busters - King Parrots friendly visitors and cheeky too

The Australian King Parrot, this brightly coloured, cheeky, yet friendly bird is a regular in many back yards. They can become very tame to the extent that hand feeding is quite a regular interaction, especially if you add the right bird seed to your shopping list. In fact a neighbour of mine used to hand feed a group of King Parrots with her two cats  not taking a blind bit of notice, sitting at her feet nor did the birds, they were in for a good feed. King Parrots then are fun to watch, but a word of warning, they love young green tomatoes, so if you are growing them and you want to actually eat any cover them early!

17 May 2020

Lake Entrance Esplanande - more historical images

The last set of old images of Lakes Entrance seemed very popular so I here are a few more. Still some work to do on them but I am sure you will be able to work out where they are and compare the view whilst taking your daily exercise!

13 May 2020

Munns's Munchies - Tomato Garlic and Ham Soup

If like me, you had a sudden crop of tomatoes grown at home (they always taste better), or if the shops are selling at bargain basement prices, why not make up a batch of soup which can be frozen.

This will provide you with a quick easy nourishing meal when served with fresh crunchy bread/bread roll or just plain old toast.  You can vary to suit your particular taste, like all my foody suggestions it is easy to make. Give it a go.

10 May 2020

Boredom Busters - Photography - Trestle Bridge at Wairewa

The old railway bridge at Wairewa was tragically burnt during last summers bushfires. Thanks to the magnificent efforts of our fire fighters some of it remains as a lasting reminder of what was there. I was lucky enough to have photographed it when complete. 

8 May 2020

Boredom Busters - Club Hotel Lakes Entrance

Many will remember the old Club Hotel which burnt to the ground on 22nd December 2000. Much loved by many a local and with some stories which no doubt would make your hair curl and some best left to rest in the ashes of the hotel itself. 

The Club Hotel was I am told an institution, a regular watering hole, a meeting place, and no doubt where much business was conducted and plans made for the town. There is little to be found regarding the fire itself, which in itself is somewhat strange, but I am happy to provide what information I can readily find and some old photos some of which I have colourised and enhanced.

6 May 2020

Mothers Day - history and significance

Mother’s Day or as it is sometimes known Mothering Sunday is a celebration honouring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honouring family members, such as Father's Day, and Grandparents Day.

3 May 2020

Munns's Munchies - isolation scones - the easy way

Many will know of my love affair with good scones, especially on a Saturday morning sitting at my favourite table at Ferryman's Cafe. Alas, with the current circumstances I am not able to enjoy that weekly ritual so I had to gain comfort from making scones at home.
I like things simple in the kitchen and this method is just that, and it turns out good scones too.