30 Sept 2020

Krauatangalung Walk Proposal - a response


Krauatangalung Walk Proposal – Response                        


In response to a request for feedback on the above-mentioned concept, below a brief resume of our combined thoughts and opinions.

The concept plan for Krauatangalung Walk appears to be a litany of oversights in community consultation, economic recovery impact, viability, detailed design and cost.

16 Sept 2020

Lockdown & Co-Vid Restrictions - not excuses for inactivity & lack of preparation.

This week, if we had not realised it, the prospect of eased restrictions advised by the Premier and CMO’s are with us. The net result of all this for Victorian tourism reliant businesses, and especially in the south east, is the loss of a full year’s income generation, from the commercial damage caused by a succession of disasters Drought, Fires, and CoVid19. 

Further, the ongoing prospects of Coronavirus(es) epidemics into the future are real. This is predicted, containment has missed the mark, recovery strategies have missed the targets. Doubling what we are told to expect, gets us to 3-5 years and the establishment of the “new normal” which will be very different to the past!


When can we in East Gippsland come out of hibernation? How good will it be?

1 Sept 2020

Help to Survive in Business during and after CO- Vid19

In a past life I operated the family business for over 16 years. We went through the highs and lows of business including the recession we "had to have", 20% plus interest rates, high bank overdrafts, high level local unemployment, and the realisation that insolvency was at the door.

One of the lessons learnt from surviving those days, and we did, was to seek professional help and to stick to what you are good at. We stuck (on advice) to what we were good at and sought that much needed professional help. That help got us through some very torrid times, in fact without that advice, help, and ongoing support, we would have been just another number in the bankrupt court listings.

Co-Vid19 and what I see around our area is a similar business scenario and I reproduce the following with links, in an effort to perhaps help local business through these testing days and beyond into recovery. The information comes from the very same professional advisor that saw us through those torrid days years ago, and who still is our financial advisor/accountant etc. 

On agreeing for their booklet to be shared the company principal said  "I am more than happy for you to reproduce the information – if it helps just one small business survive these extremely difficult times."  Reading this will cost you nothing but it might just save your business.

Jemmy's Point Lookout Stage 2 - BID Inc's opinion

Only days remain for the community to provide feedback to the Shire on the planned projects at Jemmy's Point.
Here are the thoughts of BID Inc. please consider, don't let this opportunity pass us by.

BIDI believes EGSC has taken a long time to put forward any project proposal for the “top” of Jemmy’s Point (JP) and welcomes the idea of its development. However, BIDI sees the JP site as PRIME REAL ESTATE, the best in Lakes Entrance, for an exceptional and much needed tourist/visitor attraction to the region. In BIDI’s opinion any development of this site should be COMMERCIAL and complement the Bullock Island (BI) project!