6 Nov 2018

Another Icon of Lakes Entrance Lost ...why?

Surely not Lakes Entrance Paddle Boats, but if many comments on "Facebook" are true this iconic business in Lakes Entrance is closing, but why? Rumors are, that the closure is due to a Shire edict, but this is as yet unconfirmed.

This business has been around for years in fact my wife can recall riding on the paddle boats with her mother and that is a very long while ago, she will forgive me for saying over 60 years!! For all those years it has served this town as an attraction providing countless hours of fun and enjoyment to countless thousands of locals and visitors alike.

If it is true, there surely should, no must be some investigation as to why. If  changes in rules and regulations are the reason, there must be a way to work  to give this business the opportunity to continue to provide these visitors to this town a bit of simple fun and many hours of water-born enjoyment for families.

If new regulations have to be met, why not give the business the opportunity of more time. A little bit of give and take would not go amiss and especially in the current apparent downturn of businesses in the town.

On the other hand is the business closing due to increased costs, then who is charging such a level of costs that a long standing business such as the paddle boats has to close due to the apparent inability to make a profit. Yes a profit, that is why people go into business, to make a profit, a living, to feed one's own family and perhaps put some away for later in life. Profit it is not a dirty word, far better make a profit than be another burden on the tax payer.

If the closure is for other personal and or private reasons, then it is indeed a very sad day for Lakes Entrance, and if private then private it should stay. On the other hand can we as locals help to keep this business going. If staffing is an issue are there some able bodied volunteers who could help with operations, logistics, administration etc.

I have called the Lakes Entrance Paddle Boats in an attempt to gain more information but cannot get an answer on the mobile.

Can anyone put more light on this?
Is it true?
What are the reason for closure?
Can  we help?

UPDATE: As of 4.27 Tuesday 6.11.2018, I am advised that indeed the East Gippsland Shire has revoked the licence on Friday and the East Gippsland Shire will take over (whatever that means) at 12 midnight tonight.

Images Courtesy Wikipedia: Sources: Facebook


  1. I can not believe that this is happening!!! If the East gippsland Shire think that they will get away with this they have got another Think coming!!! I honestly didn't think that this day would come!!!

    1. Our local Councillor is asking the question of the Shire hierarchy this morning. Don't blame the Councillors as apparently they had no knowledge of it. It would seem that action has been taken by senior staff, it remains to be seen the justification for such action , if indeed there was any, and if all avenues of negotiation were explored.

  2. I was disappointed to see the boats being loaded onto a trailer today - was hoping it was another false rumour like the one about Hungry Jacks going in on Myer St corner!!

    The shire better provide a better replacement option or there will be a mass mutiny descending on their offices!!

    1. Indeed a very sad day for the town, it remains to be seen under what circumstances this action was taken, and investigations are underway.

  3. Some facts regarding the Paddle Boats at the Footbridge Lakes Entrance.

    The operator has not renewed his license nor paid his annual license fees since being offered a new term in 2017. Additionally, he has not provided Council with evidence that he carries appropriate insurances nor has he provided evidence that he has a licence to trade.

    Over the last 18 months Council has written to the Paddle Boat Operator on many occasions as well as trying to contact him by phone. He has never acknowledged our letters or returned our calls.

    The decision was made to advise the Paddle Boat Operator that in the absence of all of the required documentation and fees, Council would have no choice other than to impound the Paddle Boats and other equipment.

    Upon receipt of this final letter the Paddle Boat Operator (at last) made contact with Council staff.

    Rather than offering to pay the fees and arrears or to sign up to a new license and provide the relevant documentation, the Paddle Boat Operator became threatening and abusive, indicating that he would be referring the matter to his solicitor before abruptly terminating the call.

    As of Tuesday 6 November the Paddle Boat Operator had commenced to remove his paddle boats but some still remain. Council staff are attempting to contact the Paddle Boat Operator in order to determine whether he intends to remove those remaining.

    This is an unfortunate situation however, without a licence and no proof of insurance Council and the public would be exposed to considerable and unacceptable risk should the Paddle Boats continue to be operated under such circumstances.

    Council staff have been approach by a person connected with the Paddle Boat operator and are exploring options for the safe and compliant operation of Paddle Boats in the location adjacent to the Lakes Entrance Footbridge.

    Paul Holton
    Director Development
    East Gippsland Shire Council

  4. Given the above it is still a sad day for the town its visitors and locals alike. I wonder if a more personal approach and face to face discussion rather than a succession of correspondence would have achieved a better outcome for all concerned.
