4 Feb 2018

Coffee - just how do you like it ?

Coffee the “heart starter”, the “fix”, “the caffeine hit”. That most necessary, even vital beverage of the morning which can, and does, extend, late into the day. That daily caffeine ingestion few can pass up, many not worth talking to before it, and some still not so afterwards.  That almost alluring aromatic aroma which pervades the room in which the coffee is made and others if you let it. Something to which you can come to need, as without it, the headaches arrive on mass.

It would seem that our tastes are changing, when you consider all the different types, (cappuccino, latte, mocha etc.)  bean blends, grinds, machines and barista styles, not to mention temperature and type of milk (if used),  all of which can and do make a difference to the taste, it is then, nothing short of amazing that we can sit down and enjoy a cup or three at any number of establishments.

Then you have those who, have either given it up, never really tried it, drink it to be sociable, or are on the latest health kick, they will order a skinny decaf single shot latte, or a single shot soy decaf cappuccino, using artificial sweetener in each,  is it worth it? Certainly not if you believe what you read about aspartame substitutes.

I have been motivated to write this, having just made my own long black on my home machine, and having just read a post on a local site complaining that that person is unable to get a decent coffee in town. Mention was made that Melbourne coffee was so much better and an opinion that a certain fast food establishment was the best tried. Go figure?

What raised my blood pressure was that this person bagged out a number of establishments in a town to which they had just settled, not a good idea me thinks.  I did post a response but thought I would set it down here as well, and this applies everywhere.

I have written a large number (over 90) of food and coffee reviews over the last few years, I have visited a far greater number of establishments which just in my own view  fail to come up to the mark.  Yes, I have a score card for every review. However, I do not believe that they deserve to receive a totally negative review, it does no good for that business, no good for the town in which they survive and no good for the region as a whole. I will provide that business with private constructive criticism be it verbal at the time or written later on, in an effort to assist them. If they wish to act on it fine.

OK back to coffee, everyone has their own likes and dislikes, everyone their own favourite place, favourite coffee blend, and favourite coffee style. If you are not happy with a coffee served to you have a quiet chat to the barista or operator, better still ask for your style as you order. If you like it super-hot say so, if you want full cream milk say so, if you want as half strength ask for it. In short give the barista a chance to make your style of coffee, they aim to please but baristas are not mind readers.  Most of all, if what you are served is not to your liking, have a quiet word with the business, they cannot help you if you don’t tell them, and don’t complain after you have finished what you ordered and expect a refund, couldn’t have been that bad if you finished it!

It is often said that if you like a business you tell 10 of your friends but if you dislike it you tell the whole world. Perhaps constructive criticism is preferable certainly in the first instance to public complaint.  Whatever coffee is you, inhale its aroma, and savour it, the next one might be instant!

 Images Sources: Wikipedia

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