14 Dec 2018

Paddle Boats are back too.........Great news !!

What a great week, with two of our towns iconic businesses being re-opened. Ferryman's Cafe on Thursday and I am advised that the Paddle Boats just over the Footbridge will be re-opening very soon having finalised the necessary paperwork today. All that has to be done is to return the boats and equipment to the site and check all the safety gear. Watch out for the big open signs, my best bet is by next weekend !
It is great to report that operations will re-commence and once more provide the town and its visitors and many locals alike, the opportunity to enjoy the simple fun of messing about in boats. This has been due in the main to the perseverance, tenacity and resilience of the operator, who, not wishing to close up and leave the town without this long standing iconic entertainment facility for the young, not so young has worked to make this happen despite some huge hurdles. Even those of advancing years enjoy the Paddle Boats, one 70 year old who had her birthday party based around the paddle boats, enjoyed every minute of her cruise!

It has to be said however that, from what I have seen and heard, the operator, has had to climb mountains to overcome what in my opinion, I can only described as tardy, even over-bearing conduct of some senior public servants, and certainly actions and correspondence not with the best interests of the town at heart, together with some very questionable media releases published by our local press.

It is indeed pleasing to hear that common sense and good judgement has prevailed with the injection of some new blood into the negotiations. As I said in my blog outlining the initial closure of the business.....

"Personal contact and pro-active discussion, not only with a view to solving the issue, but with a real wish to re-install Lakes Entrance Paddle Boats as a viable operating business is now required and action is needed almost immediately.  No refusals to speak to anyone, no more harsh letters, just real pro-active positive action across the table. 

"Conversation, Mediation, Discussion, Negotiation, Resolution = Success."

One side is ready and willing, but where is the support for tourism in the town, where is the assistance for small business, where is the marketing and promotion leading to increased visitation?"

I am happy to congratulate the instigator/s of the Conversations, the Mediation and Discussion which has led us to some Negotiation indeed a Resolution and would you believe it  ultimately Success.
I am not in the habit of naming names, the instigators know who they are and I will undertake to convey my thanks to them, but to those who caused the problem.....shame on you.

To all those who provided support, signed a petition, or even spread just the word, a big Thank You.
So take the time to take your kids on a Paddle Boat ride, and when you take the kids have some fun yourself, get a group together and enjoy the simple pleasures of messing about in boats.

To quote Kenneth Grahame from one of my favourite old  books ...Wind in the Willows...
"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

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